Friday 28 November 2014

Kanye West Begs Kim Kardashian To Move Because Her Family Is “Driving Him Crazy”

Kanye West is done with the Kardashian khaos and ready to flee the coop with Kim and their baby, North!
According to an insider close to the couple, Kanye is done with “Kim’s crazy family” and their drama and he’s begging her to move away from them for good!

“He’s so miserable whenever he’s around them,” the insider said. “He’s totally worn out from dealing with it all.”
Most of all, the source added, Kanye is “sick of their egos and vanity and wants out – big time.”
Kanye is also growing tired of the constant cameras following his every move when he is with Kim or her enormous family.

“Every time he and Kim have anything to do with her family, the paps are right there alongside them and it’s doing his head in,” the friend said.
According to the pal, Yeezus is “desperate” to move as far away from Los Angeles as possible, with Paris and New York high on his list of potential destinations. But Kim keeps “stalling” due to her busy work career.

And with Kim traveling to places like Abu Dhabi on the regular, Kanye’s been left with her family at home.
“If it’s not Kim fighting with Khloe, it’s a bustup with Kylie or Kourtney and Kendall lording it over everyone,” the source said. “And he wants to get the hell away from Kris and her games.”
Unknown Web Developer

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